Ernesto Moreno


The Consultant

Ernesto has accumulated more than 15 years of business consulting experience in the areas of Organisational Development, Change Management and Culture Change whilst working for leading consulting firms like Atos Consulting and PwC. His experience covers a number of organisations across different sectors both, in the UK and abroad. Some of the organisations he has previously worked for include: RBS, HSBC, the British Ministry of Justice, M&S, Transport for London and The Global Fund when was part of the United Nations.

After leaving his job as Management Consultant for PwC, Ernesto founded Expanding Leadership, a consulting and people development company that specialises in delivering leadership development and management training programmes and in helping medium size organisations grow and scale.

Ernesto holds a BA in Business Studies, a MA in International Business Administration and two other postgraduate studies in Psychology of Management and People Development from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Ernesto is also a qualified coach and a certified facilitator of Brené Brown’s work on vulnerability, courage and shame.

The Entrepreneur

Whilst working as business consultant, Ernesto also started his career as entrepreneur and together with his business partners they have set up three successful franchised businesses. His ventures include a chain of high-street restaurants and two other businesses in the retail and service industry. Ernesto is still actively involved in these businesses that now give employment to more than 250 people.


The Speaker

Ernesto is an engaging, motivational and thought-provoking speaker. He is often seen delivering talks on resilience, leadership and entrepreneurship as well as facilitating workshops on personal development both in the UK and abroad. His talks inspire people to move into action and to think differently about themselves and the world around them. Ernesto enables people to change and to make things happen.

The Story

Ernesto is originally from Venezuela, but at the age of 23 he decided to move abroad to start a new life. He arrived in London in 2003 not knowing anyone, speaking no English and with only £300 in his pocket. Ernesto worked as cleaner in hotels and restaurants and from there he worked his way up to enter the highly competitive consulting industry of the City of London whilst also forging himself as an entrepreneur.

Ernesto is an eclectic combination of diverse passions, ideas and experiences. This has led him to define himself as a ‘Renaissance Man’, because of his deep interest for humanism and the revival of learning across a wide range of disciplines. His interests and expertise ranges from marketing to psychology, from astronomy to spirituality, and from philosophy to music.

The renaissance was a period where men were profoundly interested in Socratic thinking and the human expression through art, writing and debate, something Ernesto is always interested in. The renaissance was also a break away from the conformist society and it was a movement that opened doors to innovation, imagination and creativity, values that Ernesto strives to pursue daily.

Ernesto defines himself as a passionate learner in ‘eternal beta’, he loves books and travelling is one of his biggest passions. He has now travelled to more than 50 countries. Ernesto lives in London.


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